Library Services

The students can approach the counter in the library for any purpose like Current Reading, Home Issue, Reference or getting information related to any topic of interest.

I-General Services

  • Computerised catalogue (OPAC) where one can locate for books according to author, title, publisher, accession number and classification number.
  • The following material is made available from the library counter
  1. Books for current reading
  2. Reading lists of interested books
  3. Syllabus
  4. Books for home issue for a week
  5. Bibliographies on various topics
  6. Competitive Exams related books
  7. Question Papers
  8. Books on careers
  9. Reference sources such as dictionaries, encyclopaedia’s, yearbooks
  10. Journal articles Index
  11. Newspaper clipping on various topics useful for student‘s assignments and projects
  • Home lending of books, textbooks and other books are issued for one week.
  • Periodicals – Journals and magazines are displayed in the reading room. In case of any journal not found on display please ask at the counter. The periodicals are available for reading within the library. However, if any student wants any periodical for home issue, they should contact the person at the counter.
  • Daily newspapers are kept at the counter and available for reading to everybody.
  • Electronic Journal Databases accessible from NRS in the library and also from home.
  • Reference Service – This service is especially for projects and assignments.
  • Book-Bank – Textbooks are provided for use during one academic year. The books are required to be returned as soon as soon as the exams get over. The application forms are made available from the library counter only during the pre-scribed dates on the notice put up at the beginning of every year.
  • Reading Room for self-study – facility after the library hours.
  • Internet access through UGC Network Resource Centre and Wi-Fi. Anybody using these facilities is required to register themselves.
  • Services to ex-students.
  • Use of e-mails to inform the students of the new arrivals in the library etc.

 II-Extension Activities

  1. CD-ROMs for viewing on multimedia computers are available in the library.
  1. Scanning and printing.


  • Talking loudly, discussing, loitering, eating, smoking, spitting, using mobile, shifting chairs, reserving chairs, scratching on furniture is strictly prohibited.
  • All persons using the Library are subject to the discipline of the college.
  • All those entering the library are requested to observe silence, behave in decent manner and maintain discipline
  • Please take permission of the counter staff for entry inside the counter or Network Resource Centre.
  • For entry inside the counter the students are required to keep all their belongings aside and allowed to carry only their library card and identity card.
  • Please handle the books carefully and do not mutilate them in any way while using.
  • The books issued for home reading must be returned on the due date mentioned on date slip behind the book. If the same book is required again for the next week, the student must renew it on the due date or is subjected to pay fine of Rs. 2/- per day per book or as per the notice.
  • In case of loss of a library book, the Librarian should be contacted immediately. The lost book is supposed to be replaced immediately. The cost of the book will be recovered only if the book is not available in the market.
  • Other material like syllabus copies, question papers, periodicals, CDs, books for current reading, etc. are issued from the counter are expected to be returned on the same day, failing which a fine of Rs. 5/- per day will be levied.
  • The reference books marked with “R” are for using within the library and not allowed to be taken out of the library for any purpose.
  • All the students are required to strictly adhered to the above rules and co-operate with the library staff for smooth functioning of the library. The Librarian has authority to maintain order in the library and initiate action against any user who knowingly or persistently breaks any library regulation.


Opp. Bombay Talkies Compound, Chincholi Bunder Road, Malad (West) Mumbai-400064
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